What have we been doing?
Posted by Daniel on June 22nd, 2009 | No Comments »
For the most part, we haven’t had much to show or talk about since the last post. We’ve been hard at work writing code since our change of plans with TidalEngine, which I’ll explain below. That said, there’s been plenty of interesting stuff going on recently, so here’s a roundup of what we’ve been up to since.
TidalEngine is being developed alongside Project Utopia. We decided to transform it into a generic game engine that can be reused for other projects. It was a tough move, and has reduced development speed drastically. But hopefully the hard work will pay off.
We designed it to be extensible, using a modular and add-on architecture. It is multi-tiered depending on what you need. At the bottom level is the utilities – math, events, templates etc. which can be used for pretty much any application. Next is the core engine which abstracts graphics input, GUI, physics etc. Standalone it can be used to create a wide range of offline games. It uses a plugin system, allowing dependencies to be hot-swapped. For example, we have an OpenAL and FMOD plugin – either can be loaded at runtime. At the highest level is networking. This is where all the online operations will be handled.
Mobile Gaming
For a long time we have been carefully planning our pursuit of mobile development. Recently we started to put these plans into practice. We bought a brand new 24″ iMac especially for iPhone development. It will be a steep learning curve, as we’re PC junkies, but this is where most of our attention will be focused for the next few months. We plan on developing multiple titles, each increasingly challenging and complex. That’s about all we can say for now; we also put up a new page.
We have a number of clients in discussions for possible websites, and a couple more which we’re beavering away at. I’m pleased with the positive response we’ve received until now, so fingers crossed! We’re actively trying to expand our portfolio, so if you have a project in mind let us know!
Since my last blog post, I also took the opportunity to redesign our own website. It looked fine already, but until I’m 110% happy, I’m not happy. So back to the drawing board it was, and I came up with something even more minimalistic, and a better menu system to squeeze in our increasing number of pages.
Shortly after, I submitted it to CSS Design Yorkshire, and what do you know, it got featured! :D (There’s quite a few, so just search for ‘tidalware’ or ‘June 08, 2009’)
As you can tell, we’re always busy! If you want day-to-day updates of what we’re up to, be sure to follow us on Twitter. In the meantime I will try my best to blog more often. We removed the news page, so now every TidalWare news tidbit will be posted here.